Insight for Your Investing

Investing is like grocery shopping (if you have a guide) Nov 14, 2020

The picture above is of my three year old shopping at Trader Joe’s. She loves it. You can...

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Lessons from my Pecan Tree Nov 13, 2020

The pecan tree pictured is in front of my house. Recently a nice lady stopped by and said she...

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Don't take the investing journey alone Nov 12, 2020

I am pictured above during a hike in Mueller State Park, Colorado with one of the top estate...

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What I learned unwinding a ponzi scheme Nov 11, 2020

I once worked for a lawyer who had been appointed receiver of a failed company by the SEC. The...

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College was very confusing times... Nov 10, 2020

At Texas A&M I studied Finance. It was pretty clear after talking to professors and ...

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I am not white glove, I hand out work gloves Nov 09, 2020

I do not provide ‘white-glove’ personal finance services to my clients. I ask my...

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How to be a 'pusher' in your personal finances Nov 08, 2020

I recently finished play in my 3.5 tennis league. My strategy was simple, just hit the ball back...

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Does conflict free financial advice exist? Nov 07, 2020

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal is titled, “Why your financial...

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Hoarders: Personal Finance Edition Nov 06, 2020

I would like you to try an exercise today. In less than thirty seconds, describe your...

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When the game is won, don't take a huge risk Nov 05, 2020

The Atlanta Falcons had all but won the Super Bowl. They were up by 8 points with a few minutes...

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Investors: Beware of status anxiety Nov 04, 2020

When otherwise intelligent, hardworking folks find themselves in terrible investments, a...

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Your 401k is a bad teacher and a great investment tool Nov 03, 2020

Your 401k is a poor educator and a great investment tool. I tell clients it is probably best to...

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